EAN 8 Barcode Generator for C#.NET

Generating, printing EAN 8 barcodes in Winforms with .NET Winforms barcode component

EAN 8 Barcode Generator for C#.NET-Benefits

EAN-8 C# Barcode Library SDK is one function of C# Barcode Control Component DLL, which supporting other linear and 2D barcodes generation in C#.NET, such as Generate QR Code in C#, Print Data Matrix using C#, Encode PDF-417 in C#, Integrate UPC in C#, Insert Code 39 barcodes using C#, Add Code 128 barcodes into C#.

Besides Barcode Generator for C# class library, Terrek also provides ASP.NET Barcode Generator, Generate Barcodes in Windows Applications , Generate barcodes in VB.NET class library, Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports, Barcode Generator for RDLC, Barcode Generator for Reporting Service.

Easy to Use Easy to install, drag and drop onto your C#.NET Windows Forms and C# ASP.NET web forms

Support Development Environment Create, print EAN 8 barcodes in C# ASP.NET web applications, Microsoft Visual Studio, C#Crystal Reports document, C#.NET class & console applications

Support Programming Language 100% Support Visual C#, and provide C# source code

Rich Barcode properties Simple to change EAN 8 size by adjusting X, Y dimension, margin, wide to narrow ratio

Simple to customize EAN 8 barcode images with color, resolution and orientation

Easy to enable or disable EAN 8 human-readable text and checksum digit

Support EAN 8 special settings Support supplement 2 or 5 digits to add on

GS1 Standard Support GS1 system standard to create EAN 8 barcodes

EAN 8 Barcode Generator for C#.NET --- Overview

Visual C# .NET EAN 8 Barcode Creator is a one function of .NET barcode generating component, which is a powerful and reliable barcode generating control to create, print EAN 8 and another 40+ linear & 2D barcodes in Visual C# .NET programs.

EAN 8 Introduction

Symbology Encode data Barcode Length Checksum Digit Barcode Sample Image

EAN 8 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 8 digits Modulo 10

Creating EAN 8 Barcodes in C# .NET class

Creating EAN 8 Barcodes in C# class

Linear ean8 = new Linear();

//EAN 8 encoding set, including EAN8, EAN8_2, EAN8_5

ean8.Type = BarcodeType.EAN8;

// EAN 8 valid character set, including numeric data 0-9

ean8.Data = "3737373";

// EAN 8 supplement data 2 or 5 digits

ean8.SupData = "63";

// EAN 8 supplement barcode bar height

ean8.SupHeight = 0.8f;

// EAN 8 inter-space between barcode and supplement barcode

ean8.SupSpace = 15;

// EAN 8 module width and height

ean8.X = 1;

ean8.Y =40;

// EAN 8 margin size of left, right, top and bottom

ean8.LeftMargin = 0;

ean8.RightMargin = 0;

ean8.TopMargin = 0;

ean8.BottomMargin = 0;

// Show or hide EAN 8 human-readable character

ean8.ShowText = true;

// Customize EAN 8 human-readable character with font, color and margin

ean8.TextFont = new Font("Arial", 9f, FontStyle.Regular);

ean8.TextColor = Color.Brown;

ean8.TextMargin = 6;

// Specify EAN 8 barcode image

ean8.Resolution = 72;

ean8.Rotate = Rotate.Rotate0;

ean8.Format = ImageFormat.Png;


Drawing & printing barcode to .NET Graphics, Stream & Bitmap objects

public void drawBarcode(Graphics graphics);

public void drawBarcode(string filename);

public Bitmap drawBarcode();

public void drawBarcode(Stream fileStream);